You are currently viewing 3 Pancake Cooking Games to Play While Helping Mom in the Kitchen

3 Pancake Cooking Games to Play While Helping Mom in the Kitchen

kid cookingIs mom making pancakes and you’re too hungry to wait?  Offer to help and play these games while you’re at it.  Waiting will be easier because you’re having fun and the food will be ready sooner because you’re helping!

1. One-Handed Pancakes

  • Grab a brother or sister to play this one with you.
  • Stand next to each other and hold hands.
  • One of you must use only your left hand, while the other uses their right.
  • Take turns pouring and flipping pancakes one-handed until all pancakes are cooked.

2. Flipping Opposites

  • Choose a letter of the alphabet.
  • For each pancake that you pour onto the griddle, think of a word that starts with that letter.
  • As you flip each pancake, name the opposite of the word you assigned to it.
  • Part of the challenge is remembering the original word you assigned to that pancake in the first place!
  • After you remove the pancakes from the griddle, choose a different letter of the alphabet and repeat the game all over again!

3. Pancake Stack

  • As you remove pancakes from the griddle, stack them on top of each other and see how high you can make the stack before they fall over.
  • Be sure to leave plenty of clean counter space for pancakes to fall without getting dirty.

Are you new to food allergies?  Start your adventure here.  For more cooking game ideas and other activities for kids, click here.

photo credit: Jeffrey Kontur

Tiffany Rogers

Tiffany is the mother of a child with multiple severe food allergies, wife of a husband with food allergy sensitivities, and manages a few allergies of her own. As Founder of Allergy Cookie, her goal is to provide you with information to simplify living with multiple food allergies and celebrate life in the process. Tiffany has served as a local Chair for the FARE Walk for Food Allergy, Community Events Director and General Board Member for the Utah Food Allergy Network, and Support Group Leader for NNMG Food Allergic Families of Utah. In addition to blogging and publishing books about living with food allergies, Tiffany shares an empowering message as a public speaker at conferences supporting the newly diagnosed and others facing challenges in the kitchen. Tiffany's latest project is the newly formed Chef Free Club, a plant-based, gluten-free and allergy friendly cooking club for kids! Connect with Tiffany via Linked In!

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