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Symptoms of Food Allergies in Breastfeeding Babies

Mother and BabyA skin rash, excessive spitting up or gas, constipation, stomach cramps, bright green or black stool, ear pain, and refusal to eat are just some of the signs you may see signaling a possible food allergy in your baby.

But these symptoms aren’t necessarily signs of a food allergy – they could be caused by a number of other factors as well.

If you begin to see patterns of one or more of these symptoms, start recording the details of each symptom in a daily journal, along with keeping a record of the foods both you and your baby are eating each day and talk to your child’s pediatrician about your concerns and findings.

For more information on troubleshooting food allergies in breastfeeding babies, click here.

Photo credit: Powel Loj

Tiffany Rogers

Tiffany is the mother of a child with multiple severe food allergies, wife of a husband with food allergy sensitivities, and manages a few allergies of her own. As Founder of Allergy Cookie, her goal is to provide you with information to simplify living with multiple food allergies and celebrate life in the process. Tiffany has served as a local Chair for the FARE Walk for Food Allergy, Community Events Director and General Board Member for the Utah Food Allergy Network, and Support Group Leader for NNMG Food Allergic Families of Utah. In addition to blogging and publishing books about living with food allergies, Tiffany shares an empowering message as a public speaker at conferences supporting the newly diagnosed and others facing challenges in the kitchen. Tiffany's latest project is the newly formed Chef Free Club, a plant-based, gluten-free and allergy friendly cooking club for kids! Connect with Tiffany via Linked In!

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